The Details
Camp Sample Schedule
What Makes Monarchs Camps Different?
Specialty & Intensives
Specialty Ages: 6+
Intensive Ages: 8+
The Monarchs Intensive and Specialty Camp series is intended to cultivate physical achievement and growth while providing fun in a dynamic atmosphere. Not your typical camp setting (see Monarchs Summer or Holiday Camps), these camps offer a weeklong theme and skill culmination on Fridays. The goal of the themes is to intensively learn the specialized skills through the guidance of our instructional staff. Sign-ups are intended for a weeklong theme and three-hour daily commitment (Monday - Friday 11am - 2pm). This camp is best suited for high achiever athletes who want to master additional skills during the school breaks. Themes are offered during Summer and some Winter or Spring breaks. Choose between Tumbling for Cheer, Tumbling for Dance, Flips & Tricks and Parkour. Check out our calendar for dates!
The Details
We offer one week long Specialty & Intensives camps in Summer, Winter and sometimes during Spring Break please contact the office or check out our calendar for specific dates.
Monarchs Specialty & Intensive Camps are pre-paid sign up only!
Specialty & Intensive Camps are three hours long from 11am-2pm if you are interested in a full day of camp add gymnastics camp available from 9am-3:30pm
A unique camp program designed to assist dynamic and active students improve specific skills through an intensive one week curriculum. Culminating on Friday each week, students will gain supplemental skills needed for specific sports and activities.
No shoes, socks, or loose clothing or hair, come in comfy clothes with hair pulled back ready to have a fun-filled day at Monarchs!
What Makes Monarchs Camps Different?
The Monarchs Camp program is designed to Inspire Dynamic Kids to have Fun, Grow, Learn and Be Happy. Our curriculum was designed to engage campers mentally, physically and socially keeping their aptitude strong for math and reading when it's time to head back into the classroom.
Our daily schedule is thoughtful, dynamic, and inspiring. Every week is a new adventure at Monarchs, with lesson plans that incorporate both a weekly and daily theme for maximum engagement and fun. We keep activities between 15-20 minutes to retain attention and prevent burnout. Time is never spent napping or in extensive periods of free time.
All activities take place indoors, so we guarantee no sunburns or bee stings! Our professional staff is background checked, USAG Instructor Certified, USAG Safety Certified, Concussion certified, and Curriculum trained.
Camp Sample Schedule
Arrival & Open Stations
Group Warm-Up & Stretching
Drills Across The Floor
Water & Snack Break